I'm very happy,
I'm working to a new project for an Art exhibition in October.
There will be installations of different artists, painters, photographers and poets,
all this, in a particular context, into a historic building of the second world war.
The particularity of the place, exalts the colors and the creativity.
The theme of the exhibition is the earth, the clear energy and the resources.
( internet )
This is the principal hallway, there are many adjacent rooms, big and small.
In the opposite part of the building there is the museum, very interesting.
Ok, now I will return to my work.
I wish a good day at all !
Ciao !
Informations- dove si trova ?
I'm very happy,
I'm working to a new project for an Art exhibition in October.
There will be installations of different artists, painters, photographers and poets,
all this, in a particular context, into a historic building of the second world war.
The particularity of the place, exalts the colors and the creativity.
The theme of the exhibition is the earth, the clear energy and the resources.
( internet )
This is the principal hallway, there are many adjacent rooms, big and small.
In the opposite part of the building there is the museum, very interesting.
Ok, now I will return to my work.
I wish a good day at all !
Ciao !
Informations- dove si trova ?
Si arriva al forte Mezzacapo, in località Santa Lucia Tarù, attraverso la via Scaramuzza. La si imbocca lasciando la Castellana all'altezza della chiesa di Zelarino. Poco prima che la strada confluisca in via Gatta, dopo una serie di curve e superata la ferrovia dei Bivi, il forte si presenta sulla destra
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